
Compressing methane (natural gas) is an important step in production and delivery. Learn all about how to safely compress methane gas below. 

What is Methane?

Methane is an odourless, colourless and flammable gas that can be produced naturally and synthetically. Methane is the main component of natural gas and is used for heat and electricity around the world. It is also used in chemical reactions to produce other gasses like hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Methane is also a significant contributor to climate change. It is a type of greenhouse gas that plays a factor in the weakening of the ozone layer.

Where do you find Methane?

Methane can be produced through chemical reactions when organic matter decomposes in low-oxygen environments like swamps. As plants die and sink to the bottom of these swamps, bacteria break them down. Thus, wetlands are a large natural contributor to methane gasses. 

Methane is also found underground in fossil fuel deposits that have been subjected to high pressure and temperatures over millions of years. Methane is extremely hard to transport since, at normal temperatures, it is in gas form. Usually, Methane is transported by bulk using pipelines. Compressing this natural gas allows it to be used as fuel for vehicles, also considered more environmentally friendly than other types of fuels. 

So what is the safest way to transport and compress this gas?

Lower the temperature of the tank to compress the methane gas. When temperatures are near absolute zero, methane gas can turn into liquid form. First, connect a compressor to the tank that is filled with methane gas. This container will also need to be connected to a liquid nitrogen tank with the pipeline. When all the Methane has entered the liquid nitrogen tank, cool the gas in this tank for at least two days. Then, turn on the compressor and let it compress the Methane. Eventually, the Methane will compress and form at the bottom of the tank. 

Contact Your Local Compression Experts Today 

At 24/7 Compression, we offer compression services and packages for large-scale facilities and smaller projects. We provide superior expertise, knowledge and experience. If you have any questions, please contact us; we're happy to help.

Picker trucks go by many names, such as knuckle boom cranes, loader cranes or folding boom cranes. Picker trucks are one of the most adaptable mobile cranes. This is how 24/7 Compression utilizes its picker trucks.

picker lift

Common Uses

The most common use of a picker truck is lifting heavy loads. If a job needs something hoisted and is too heavy to lift manually, using a picker truck is a great option. The boom on the truck operates a crane that has the capability to lift heavy loads. At 24/7 Compression the most common use of the pictured truck is to deliver overhaul parts to jobs placing the heavy items right into the building door. During Emissions conversions such as the Waukesha 7044 Series 5 conversions, the picker truck is used to hoist the new catalyst into place while carrying the mobile welding skid for the welders.


Picker trucks save excessive body wear and tear by doing the lifting for the tradesman. 24/7 Compression also has Palfinger man baskets which operate off a remote to grant safe access to elevated items such as emissions testing at stacks, cooler inspections and section replacement, and anything that requires to carry tradespeople to elevation eliminating the need for ladders   

picker in action

Picker trucks are compact and convenient. Industry competitiveness on overhauls and safety are driving service companies to have the correct gear which can make a huge difference.

Learn More About Picker Trucks at 24/7 Compression

Need help with heavy loads? 24/7 is here for you. Contact us to learn more about our picker truck equipment rentals today.  

As the world tries to make its way to greener energy use, many countries are now using Natural Gas to generate electricity more cleanly than other fossil fuels. According to SoCalGas, 92% of the natural gas is delivered as energy after transmission, which means that only 8% is energy lost. As a major natural gas producer, that means Canada can jump on this cleaner energy train.

Canada: A Natural Gas Leader

Canada is the fourth-largest producer of natural gas globally, which is used for heating, selling to other countries such as the US, and is used for electricity generation. To understand how Canada is planning to switch to green energy, we must understand the importance of natural gas in Canada's transition. Many oil and gas sites in Canada are in remote locations, and to operate such a facility that produces and processes this energy source. They use an Integrated Power Generation System.

"Integrated power generation uses existing site gas flows to generate electricity near the point of use; the electricity generated is then used to power equipment for gas production and processing, motor drive residue compression, along with auxiliary equipment." - Exterran

Cleaner Power Generation with Natural Gas

Many companies use a combined cycle of power generation, which uses two ways to generate electricity. The first one is when it burns gas with highly pressurized air, which turns a turbine that produces electricity. The second one uses the heat from the burned gas to heat water, which creates steam, which rotates another turbine to generate MORE electricity.

Now you can see the advantage of such a system. You do not need to connect to a city power grid; you are self-sufficient while producing more gas for your consumers.

Added Benefits of Integrated Power Generation

Integrated power generation does more than make electricity, as Exterran reports:

• Reduces operation Expenses budget variability associated with fluctuating electricity prices
• Enhanced reliability from possible grid outages or lengthy in-service dates
• Improve plant flexibility
• Reduce operating costs
• Faster plant construction (IPG helps secure contracts quickly)
• Modular design allows simple site ramp-up
• Efficiency > 60% possible with the use of waste heat at gas plants


To Summarize, Canada is the 4th largest gas producer in the world and is using a brilliant way to transition into clean energy using natural gas. Companies are now generating electricity with gas to produce more gas with the integrated power generation systems. 

Care to learn more about natural gas and power generation? Reach out to the 24/7 Compression & Belair Power teams today!