
247 compression blog rng vs conventional

Natural gas has long been a staple energy source for businesses due to its efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and lower environmental impact compared to other fossil fuels. However, with increasing emphasis on sustainability, Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is a viable alternative. This article explains the key differences between RNG and conventional natural gas, examining their performance, benefits, and implications for businesses. 

What is Conventional Natural Gas? 

Conventional natural gas (predominantly methane) is a fossil fuel extracted from underground reservoirs. It's widely used for heating, electricity generation, and as an industrial energy source. Natural gas is valued for its high energy content, relatively clean combustion, and extensive infrastructure. However, as a fossil fuel, its extraction and use contribute to greenhouse gas emissions. 

What is Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)? 

Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), also known as biomethane, is produced from organic waste materials such as agricultural residues, food waste, and sewage sludge. Through processes like anaerobic digestion and gasification, these materials are broken down to produce methane, which is then purified to the same standards as conventional natural gas. The key distinction is that RNG is derived from renewable sources, making it a more sustainable option. 

Performance Comparison 

  • Energy Content: RNG and conventional natural gas both consist primarily of methane, offering similar energy content. Businesses can switch to RNG without modifying existing infrastructure or equipment
  • Efficiency: Both RNG and conventional natural gas have comparable combustion efficiency, providing reliable energy output for industrial applications, heating, and electricity generation. 
  • Cost: RNG is currently more expensive than conventional natural gas due to limited production and processing complexities. However, as production scales and infrastructure improves, costs are expected to decrease. Businesses should also consider potential long-term savings from reduced carbon emissions and regulatory incentives. 
  • Environmental Impact: RNG is more sustainable, derived from waste materials, and helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Capturing methane from organic waste lowers carbon footprints, and RNG is carbon-neutral since CO2 emissions during combustion are offset by CO2 absorption during the lifecycle of the waste. 
  • Supply and Availability: RNG infrastructure is still developing, impacting its availability and cost compared to conventional natural gas. However, as technology advances and more facilities are built, RNG's accessibility and cost stability are expected to improve. 

Business Implications 

For businesses, the choice between RNG and conventional natural gas hinges on environmental goals and cost considerations. Using RNG can enhance a company's sustainability profile, appeal to environmentally-conscious stakeholders and align with corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Additionally, businesses in regions with strict environmental regulations might find RNG a crucial component in meeting emission reduction targets. 

However, cost remains a pivotal factor. Currently, RNG can be more expensive due to limited production scale. Businesses must weigh the long-term benefits of sustainability and potential regulatory incentives against the immediate cost implications. 

RNG vs Conventional Natural Gas: Which is Better? 

RNG contributes to a circular economy by transforming waste materials into valuable energy, reducing reliance on fossil fuels and minimizing waste. This promotes resource efficiency and environmental stewardship, aligning with broader goals of reducing waste and emissions. Aside from cost factors, RNG is the more sustainable choice when it comes to power by natural gas.  

Upgrade Your Equipment with 24/7 Compression 

RNG is a strong alternative to conventional natural gas, delivering similar performance with lower environmental impact. Businesses can reduce carbon footprints and support sustainability by switching to RNG. 

Looking to upgrade your equipment for a more sustainable future? Contact 24-7 Compression today to explore our advanced solutions for integrating Renewable Natural Gas into your operations. Enhance your efficiency, reduce emissions, and stay ahead with our state-of-the-art compression equipment and services.